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Filtering by Tag: napkins

Our Little Mother's Day Gift Guide

Sophie Lombardi

UK Mother’s Day falls on March 30th this year. This moveable feast has a different date and origin to the celebration in other countries such as America, Japan and Australia. In the Middle Ages, girls and women were given the 4th Sunday before lent to spend with their families. At the time, it wasn't uncommon for children to leave home to work when they were as young as 10 years old, so this was an opportunity for families to meet up again and attend church services. On the way home, children would often pick flowers and give them to their mothers and the tradition of Mothering Sunday was born.

There is nothing more gorgeous than a beautiful posy, however if you want your Mothers Day flowers to last forever, you might consider picking a beautiful Liberty fabric depicting clusters of fauna and flora in your Mum’s favourite colours. We have plenty of pillowcases and cushions in stock that would make beautiful gifts. This Liberty fabric ‘Felicite’ is one of our favourite classics featuring a rose trail design in yellow, peach and light green. Mum’s always need more sleep and silky Liberty Tana Lawn Cotton pillowcases are the ultimate treat.

Pillowcases made from Liberty fabric ‘Felicite’ and Penzance Linen.

Many of us feel bored of your home after the long winter months. A new tablecloth and napkins can breath a bit of life into your dining area. Why not choose your Mum a beautiful tablecloth or napkins handmade in our Cornish studio from premium laundered linens. Super-absorbent and easy to launder, the women in your life will love these practical and pretty table linens. Mix and match napkins and tablecloths for a unique and special dining setting.

Tablecloth and Napkin in Wimbledon Linen

Our generous drawstring bags are such a practical addition to any bag collection. Perfect for laundry, travelling, gym or whatever you choose. They also look great slung on the back of a door. Available in three gorgeous linen fabrics and lined with cotton.

To be honest, all I would really like for Mothers Day is an amnesty on sibling fighting. However given this is unlikely, a gorgeous gift from a small business would be very welcome. I know my Mother has always treasured the little things we have given her for Mothers Day so choose carefully and made well.

We’ll be doing a giveaway over Mothers Day so please keep an eye on our Instagram posts.

Sophie xxx

Laying the table nicely

Sophie Lombardi

I can’t bring myself to use the ‘instagramable word’ for laying the table. It just seems a step too far for something that we do every day and many of us with great haste! However it does feel nice to put a bit of effort into laying the table especially on these very long evenings. At Poppy and Honesty, we have lots of different tablelinen however I have chosen to look at a few fabrics as they I think are perfect for your Autumn and Winter meals.

Florence Linen and Rose Gingham

These two fabrics work so well together as they both feature warm terracotta and natural tones. Layer up either tablecloth with napkins and candles and create a cosy atmosphere to share a meal together. We make a ruffle tablecloth in Florence which is gorgeously decadent with it’s dropped frill. Napkins edged with crochetted lace add pretty detail and are available in both the Rose Gingham and Florence Linen.

Lace Napkins in Florence and Rose Gingham

Granny Smith and Rose Gingham

Our punchy green Granny Smith Linen will add some fun to your dining room table. As the green check is set against a natural background it works well with the smaller check Rose Gingham. Combine tablecloths and napkins in these two fabrics, add some candles and maybe some tiny bud vases (so people can see each other). Little sprigs of green from the garden or dried flowers are perfect. We don’t usually bother to use napkin rings as our linens can easily be tied in a little loose knot.

I am not going to tell you how to lay the table but you don’t need a calligrapher or florist to make it look special. As much as I love long tapered dining candles, I don’t find them particularly practical when seating a mob and prefer tea lights or battery operated fairy lights. It’s important to make space for the main event, the food or more importantly ‘the pudding’!

Stay cosy

Sophie x

10% off all of the table linens featured above until 16th November.

Just to remind you that we are always happy to send out free swatches and make custom sizes in our table linens.

Our beautiful new linen 'Granny Smith'

Sophie Lombardi

We are so thrilled to bring you our beautiful Autumn collection which includes a new linen we have named ‘Granny Smith’. Designed by Poppy and Honesty, ‘Granny Smith’ is the perfect shade of warm green just like the apple. The classic check sits against a neutral background giving the fabric a nostalgic country style. Apples are everywhere at this time of year from crumbles to windfalls and toffee apples on the 5th November. We think that this fabric will bring, warmth, charm and texture to your home.

Not only is our linen beautiful but it is also very sustainable choice for bedding. As the flax is grown in the fertile soils of Northern Europe, it requires very little water and virtually no fertilizers or pesticides. Flax as a crop retains a huge amount of C02 (3,7 tonnes per hectare) and every part of the plant is used for making linen as well as linseed oil, food for livestock and soap. Linen is a very absorbent fabric requiring very little dye for colouring and is completely biodegradable.

Linen Bedding Set inn Granny Smith. Valance in Granny Smith. Storage bag and bolster in Granny Smith.

There are so many ways to style our beautiful linen bedding in Granny Smith. We would recommend combining it with Liberty fabric pieces including pillowcases and duvet covers in Theresa Green, Ciara Metallic and Ciara Pale Green. However as shown in some of the images, our gorgeous green checked linen looks perfect all by itself. Similarly, your dining table will look stunning dressed from head to toe in our gorgeous green check, at the same time, you could add some napkins in ‘Florence’ or ‘Rose Gingham’ for contrast.

We hope you enjoy Poppy and Honesty’s Autumn Collection. Dee Campling and Ness have created some magical images that will hopefully inspire you to create little areas of delight in your home.

Sending virtual hot chocolate on these cooler evenings

Sophie x

Large Linen Tablecloth in Granny Smith. Matching napkins in Granny Smith and Rose Gingham,

Make hay while the sun shines

Sophie Lombardi

The official date of the Autumn Equinox is Sunday 22nd September. Therefore we have 30 more official days of summer to go ! I know we have to deal with all the back to school stuff and it will possibly rain but there are a few things that we can do to maximise the longer, lighter days.

  1. Eat ice lollies in the garden. My nostalgic ‘go to’ from the newsagent freezer is the Tongue Twister.

  2. Go for a walk past 4pm and listen to the birds chirruping their little hearts out as they start to make their winter homes.

  3. Plan a memorable picnic.

  4. Go for a low tide beach comb. The sea is as warm as it ever will be and there is often a treasure trove of scallops, jelly fish and funky sea weed strewn along the shore.

  5. Pick blackberries and make a crumble if there are any left by the time you get home.

  6. Continue to delight in affogatos and iced coffee.

  7. Grab a bunch of dahlia’s from your farm shop.

  8. Go for an after work swim in the river or sea.

  9. Get a pedicure. Even when your feet are stuffed back into socks, you’ll know that they’re pretty.

Make hay while the sun shines as before we know it we will be plunged into dark afternoons and wearing wellies. What are your favourite nostalgic summer activities and how will you embrace them before full crumble/stew season commences?


Tablecloth and Napkins in Seaside Stripe Linen.

Photo ; Charlotte Jacklin

Bring the sunshine into your home

Sophie Lombardi

Even though it feels like there are at least 10 weeks in January, the days are getting longer and nature is on the move. I can’t resist big bunches of daffodils with their cheerful trumpets heralding the start of a new season. If like me, you are impatient for spring, we have lots of beautiful fabrics here at Poppy and Honesty in mood enhancing colours of bright yellow and orange.

In colour therapy, yellow is believed to bring happiness and freedom. Used in large doses, bright yellow might be considered overwhelming but adding a cushion, a bedding set or tablecloth in our zesty linen ‘Penzance’ might just give you a little va va voom ! Mix your bedding up with some pillowcases in Felicite and Capel and bring in the joy.

Ruffle Sheet in Penzance Linen. Tablecloth in Penzance. Bedding Set in Penzance. Lumbar cushion in Penzance. Photo Credits ; Goodrest Studios and Dee Campling,

We do have a limited number of tablecloths and napkins in our Marmalade Linen. Off-set against a pale blue background this jumbo check is full of cheer and Vitamin C. Please be quick, as our Marmalade Linens are in hot demand.

Photo : Dee Campling

Tablecloth in Marmalade

Give Back Weekend

Sophie Lombardi

Over the past few posts, I have talked a lot about the value of small business and how in fact you are getting a good bang for your buck when you buy from small brands. Their businesses are often built on high quality craftsmanship, good materials and a little mark up to keep the ball rolling. Many small brands including ours, are not able to offer Black Friday Discounts, as you are getting the best price we can offer every day.

As in previous years, we have decided to support our local food banks this long weekend. Basically, for every purchase you make, we will buy two essential items for Penryn Foodbank in Cornwall. Most Foodbanks will provide you with a list of required items if you give them a ring.

Don’t forget about the little guys in over this crazy commercial period. If you go back a couple of posts, you will find some of our favourite small brands. Also remember, the best gifts you can give your time and experience (and maybe some nice ceramics… hint, hint).

Have a great weekend and don’t get sucked it ! If you know of any businesses that are trying to make a small difference this weekend please put their details in the comments.

Sophie xxx

Tablecloth, Napkin and Placemats in Florence Linen