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Filtering by Tag: gift guide

Our Little Mother's Day Gift Guide

Sophie Lombardi

UK Mother’s Day falls on March 30th this year. This moveable feast has a different date and origin to the celebration in other countries such as America, Japan and Australia. In the Middle Ages, girls and women were given the 4th Sunday before lent to spend with their families. At the time, it wasn't uncommon for children to leave home to work when they were as young as 10 years old, so this was an opportunity for families to meet up again and attend church services. On the way home, children would often pick flowers and give them to their mothers and the tradition of Mothering Sunday was born.

There is nothing more gorgeous than a beautiful posy, however if you want your Mothers Day flowers to last forever, you might consider picking a beautiful Liberty fabric depicting clusters of fauna and flora in your Mum’s favourite colours. We have plenty of pillowcases and cushions in stock that would make beautiful gifts. This Liberty fabric ‘Felicite’ is one of our favourite classics featuring a rose trail design in yellow, peach and light green. Mum’s always need more sleep and silky Liberty Tana Lawn Cotton pillowcases are the ultimate treat.

Pillowcases made from Liberty fabric ‘Felicite’ and Penzance Linen.

Many of us feel bored of your home after the long winter months. A new tablecloth and napkins can breath a bit of life into your dining area. Why not choose your Mum a beautiful tablecloth or napkins handmade in our Cornish studio from premium laundered linens. Super-absorbent and easy to launder, the women in your life will love these practical and pretty table linens. Mix and match napkins and tablecloths for a unique and special dining setting.

Tablecloth and Napkin in Wimbledon Linen

Our generous drawstring bags are such a practical addition to any bag collection. Perfect for laundry, travelling, gym or whatever you choose. They also look great slung on the back of a door. Available in three gorgeous linen fabrics and lined with cotton.

To be honest, all I would really like for Mothers Day is an amnesty on sibling fighting. However given this is unlikely, a gorgeous gift from a small business would be very welcome. I know my Mother has always treasured the little things we have given her for Mothers Day so choose carefully and made well.

We’ll be doing a giveaway over Mothers Day so please keep an eye on our Instagram posts.

Sophie xxx

Poppy and Honesty's Little Gift Guide

Sophie Lombardi

Meaningful gifts are hard to choose. Thinking about a present that will give joy to one person may end up in the charity box of another recipient. I particularly enjoy giving experiences but these can be sometimes be hard to organize. Here in our little Poppy and Honesty studio, we have some gorgeous things that when given some thought, might just be the perfect little handmade treasure for your loved ones this Christmas.

The Ruffle Pouch

These beautiful pouches are handmade from linen and lined with a contrasting floral Liberty fabric. We have finished the pouches with a small frill and added a brass zip. As someone who is always rummaging around in a big bag, I think these pouches are supremely useful. Instead of emptying the contents of your bag onto the car boot to find your car keys, you simply pull out your pouch which contains the essentials and not the dog-poo bags, snack wrappers or something worse.

You can add little things to the pouch like a favourite chocolate bar or a nice lippy. I plan to print out some photos from the year and put them inside with a few little treats for a couple of friends. The ruffle pouches are a generous size, so they are practical enough to fit a small tablet, book, kindle, wallet and other things too.

The Pillowcase

Bedding is extremely personal. Some people want their bedrooms to be neutral sanctuaries with natural colours and textures, whereas others want bold pattern and more drama. We have such a wide variety of pillowcases which you can easily mix and match. For a very neutral colour scheme, our linen pillowcases in Florence will add warmth and texture with their pretty terracotta and olive stripe. For more maximalist friends, they might enjoy a couple of bright pillowcases in Liberty fabrics ‘Betsy Pink’ and ‘Thorpe Green’. Finally for your more traditional recipients you cannot go wrong with delicate floral pillowcases in Liberty fabrics ‘Poppy and Daisy’ Blue or ‘Felicite’. Please note that all our pillowcases are available to purchase individually or as a pair of two.

From top to bottom:

Pillowcase in Liberty fabric ‘Capel’, ‘Wiltshire’ and Marmalade Linen.

The Cushion

Everyone loves a new cushion. Whether it’s for a lonely armchair or to compliment an existing collection on the sofa. Think about your recipient and their favourite colours. Lots of people have a dark blue sofa which would suit our Ciara cushion perfectly. Our velvet cushion in Capel will look wonderful on an armchair of similar Autumnal tones (orange, green, rust). In many homes you will find grey neutral furniture, throw in a cushion in Thorpe with a stripy trim to add some seasonal joy. Remember, cushions do not have permanent homes and often need to be thrown around until they find just the right spot.

Please remember to shop from small, independent brands this Black Friday Weekend and have fun choosing some special, well thought out presents.


Sophie x