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Filtering by Tag: yellow check

Bring the sunshine into your home

Sophie Lombardi

Even though it feels like there are at least 10 weeks in January, the days are getting longer and nature is on the move. I can’t resist big bunches of daffodils with their cheerful trumpets heralding the start of a new season. If like me, you are impatient for spring, we have lots of beautiful fabrics here at Poppy and Honesty in mood enhancing colours of bright yellow and orange.

In colour therapy, yellow is believed to bring happiness and freedom. Used in large doses, bright yellow might be considered overwhelming but adding a cushion, a bedding set or tablecloth in our zesty linen ‘Penzance’ might just give you a little va va voom ! Mix your bedding up with some pillowcases in Felicite and Capel and bring in the joy.

Ruffle Sheet in Penzance Linen. Tablecloth in Penzance. Bedding Set in Penzance. Lumbar cushion in Penzance. Photo Credits ; Goodrest Studios and Dee Campling,

We do have a limited number of tablecloths and napkins in our Marmalade Linen. Off-set against a pale blue background this jumbo check is full of cheer and Vitamin C. Please be quick, as our Marmalade Linens are in hot demand.

Photo : Dee Campling

Tablecloth in Marmalade