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Our beautiful new linen 'Granny Smith'

Sophie Lombardi

We are so thrilled to bring you our beautiful Autumn collection which includes a new linen we have named ‘Granny Smith’. Designed by Poppy and Honesty, ‘Granny Smith’ is the perfect shade of warm green just like the apple. The classic check sits against a neutral background giving the fabric a nostalgic country style. Apples are everywhere at this time of year from crumbles to windfalls and toffee apples on the 5th November. We think that this fabric will bring, warmth, charm and texture to your home.

Not only is our linen beautiful but it is also very sustainable choice for bedding. As the flax is grown in the fertile soils of Northern Europe, it requires very little water and virtually no fertilizers or pesticides. Flax as a crop retains a huge amount of C02 (3,7 tonnes per hectare) and every part of the plant is used for making linen as well as linseed oil, food for livestock and soap. Linen is a very absorbent fabric requiring very little dye for colouring and is completely biodegradable.

Linen Bedding Set inn Granny Smith. Valance in Granny Smith. Storage bag and bolster in Granny Smith.

There are so many ways to style our beautiful linen bedding in Granny Smith. We would recommend combining it with Liberty fabric pieces including pillowcases and duvet covers in Theresa Green, Ciara Metallic and Ciara Pale Green. However as shown in some of the images, our gorgeous green checked linen looks perfect all by itself. Similarly, your dining table will look stunning dressed from head to toe in our gorgeous green check, at the same time, you could add some napkins in ‘Florence’ or ‘Rose Gingham’ for contrast.

We hope you enjoy Poppy and Honesty’s Autumn Collection. Dee Campling and Ness have created some magical images that will hopefully inspire you to create little areas of delight in your home.

Sending virtual hot chocolate on these cooler evenings

Sophie x

Large Linen Tablecloth in Granny Smith. Matching napkins in Granny Smith and Rose Gingham,

Free Your Lady Marmalade

Sophie Lombardi

Here at Poppy and Honesty HQ, we are obsessed with the colour orange. No, I'm not ranting about the President Elects skin tone (much), but the gorgeous and under-rated colour that will feature strongly in our next unisex collection. I have a Paddington-like enthusiasm for Marmalade, so it is only fitting that as a tribute to 'The Donald' we make a sticky orange mess to mark his inauguration.

If you have the time or the inclination, making Marmalade is a very satisfying way of passing a lazy afternoon - and the recipe below is pretty fool proof. Do make sure that you test the Marmalade properly for the elusive skin, which indicates that it has set.  You can get the darling moppets to help with the orange squeezing and the cutting if they are older too. They can also make pretty labels and think of imaginative names for their pots of gold (Donald's foundation?).

Yours with zestiness,

Sophie x

Recipe for Marmalade (makes 6 x 450g jars-ish)

800g Oranges (Seville if you can get them)

x1 Lemon

x1 Lime

x1 Pink Grapefruit

2kg Preserving Sugar

Method : Put a saucer into the fridge to cool. Wash and dry the fruit. Pour 2 litres of water into a big pan and add all the squeezed juice from the fruit. Chuck away the lemon but keep all the pith and skin of all the others fruit. Scrape the pith and pips into the centre of an old clean tea-towel.  Draw up the corners of the tea towel and secure with a good knot or a bit of string to make a bag. Pop the bag into the pan. Cut the fruit peel into small strips and add to the pan. Bring to the boil and simmer for 1.5 - 2 hrs. 

Squeeze your tea towel bag into the pan and discard the bag. Add sugar and heat until dissolved.  Bring the boil and boil rapidly for 15 mins. Get the saucer out of the fridge. Test that the marmalade has reached setting point by placing a teaspoon of it on the cold saucer. After a few seconds push the marmalade with your finger tip. If it wrinkles it has reached setting point, if not boil for a further 5 mins,  Leave the marmalade to rest for a 15 mins and then spoon into sterilised jars.