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Meet Botanical Illustrator- Sarah Jane Humphreys


Meet Botanical Illustrator- Sarah Jane Humphreys

Sophie Lombardi

From living in Cornwall I have been deeply enthused to paint naturally derived subjects. The Cornish coast is quite literally scattered with an abundance of fabulous plants and flowers which is a continual source of reference material to work from, so I’m never short of inspiration. Working from life is the best reference material when available, although I very often study academic papers, books and research online, depending on the brief.

This year has been greatly gaining momentum since picking up a Silver Gilt Medal from the Royal Horticultural Society during February in Westminster, London, for my latest collection of Lavender paintings. My working day can be pretty diverse, juggling 3 children around commissions, workshops and I’m currently working on writing my first solo book ‘Botanical and Scientific Illustration’. Which will hold 200 illustrations and a comprehensive how to guide for the ultimate beginner to the established artist. For now I am looking forwards to reaching the deadline in readiness for publication early next year and working on my next Botanical Illustration commissioned by the Royal College of Physicians, for a book of medicinal plants.


Sarah Jane Humphreys


Sarah Jane runs workshops all over the country. Why not spend a relaxing day learning how to draw natures little treasures? Please enquire here.

For commissions and to shop her beautiful collection,  have a have a look at Sarah Jane's gorgeous website

We hope you're blooming marvellous,

Sophie x