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Behind the scenes of a rooky photo shoot


Behind the scenes of a rooky photo shoot

Sophie Lombardi

Imagine a professional photo-shoot where everyone is dressed in white apart from the photographer, there is a nice runner delivering the Macha-Lattes and all is super cool and serene. Now imagine the opposite, with an errant puppy thrown in and sugar delirious children. This is the Poppy and Honesty Photo Shoot.

As a small biz we do our photo shoots at home. Folk have often commented on how tidy our children's rooms must be. Wrong! we are a messy bunch and this means there are piles of toys and clothes just out of shot. We don't have a swishy stylist, I do all of this with great reservation. How many props are too many? Are there any rules to this styling biz? The swishy stylist is not helped by the wild spaniel that steals the props and jumps on the freshly ironed (?) bedding sets.

The mini models make Naomi Campbell look humble. They won't take on the job for less than a few hundred sweeties and negotiate their terms and conditions with ruthless Wall St conviction. Hence they are as high as kites for the actual shoot. Jumping on the beds is particularly fun especially when 'mooning' photographer Jackson at the same time. 

We hope that this blog has given you a little behind the scenes insight. We can't rate Jackson more highly for giving us such fabulous professional shots in-spite of the prevailing chaos. We hope you love them as much as we do,

Sophie xxxx

Jackson Drowley Photography

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