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Here's to a gentle 2017

Sophie Lombardi

Happy New Year you lovely lot. I hope that Christmas had some sparkly bits and that you kicked 2016 to the curb with all its crazy rubbish news. Hopefully 2017 will be more gentle; like a lazy afternoon with cups of tea and Radio 4 rather than the acid house party with casualties that was last year. In order to kick start its fabulousness, I have compiled a list of 'intentions'. No don't worry, they won't be chanted and have very little to do with drinking slime, it's just that the very words 'new years resolution' seem to set me up to fail. 

I have never really understood why we put restrictions on ourselves during the most miserable time of year. Unless of course its an important, health-related thing, do we really need to deny ourselves the goodies in January? It's the ideal month to stay in with comfort food and a box set (and you can call it hygge if you really need an excuse). I think that it would be much nicer if we could think of lovely things we would like to do more of the following year. Here are 7 of my intentions (as you will see they are most profound).

1. Eat quality calories: Bendicks Bittermints rather than cold fish fingers or Duchy Originals over custard creams.

2. Wear lots of sequin, feather, pompom outfits, while I can just about get away with it without looking like a drag queen/dried up lady of the night.

3. Digital Down Tool. Leave my phone off and at home as much as possible. 

4. Make hay whilst its not actually pouring with rain. February and March are notoriously terrible, so get out in the fresh air unless it's howling a hooler,

5. Sneak in plenty of cuddles and snuggles with my boys . They are getting much more stingy with their affections as they get older. Soon it will not actually be cool to speak to me, instead they will text demands on devices that I have previously forbidden.

6. Smile as much as possible at everyone especially if they are grumpy because a. This might make them feel better or b. it will really annoy them. Win, win.

7. Remember the golden rule: If the problem is not going to bother you in a years time, it's definitely not worth worrying about now. 

I am sure there will be plenty a soggy cold chip along the way but it's a start. What nice things will you be doing more of in the New Year? Whatever they are, I hope that 2017 is wonderful for you and your nearest and dearest.


Sophie xxxx