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Filtering by Tag: New Year

Taking a fallow January.

Sophie Lombardi

This morning, I watched the sun half-heartedly rise to approximately 2 inches above the horizon (scientific measurement). Stood in a freezing cold field at 8 am on January 3rd, I felt it’s weariness and wondered why we choose this particularly time in the year to transform our lives through resolutions or less aggressive manifestations.

Christmas and the Winter Solstice are out of step with each other. The Christmas frission demands a lot of our energy. From parties to shopping, cooking and decorating, it is a joyful but frequently exhausting time. At this time of year Norovirus and flu are already doing the rounds and we smash our weakened immune sytems with too long to-do lists and boozy late nights Don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of Christmas, but in January we must respect that winter is a fallow season

I haven’t seen our resident hedgehog for days. I expect he is curled in a ball somewhere under a pile of leaves and not manifesting or taking up wall pilates. He will probably get out and about again in April, which I think is a good time to start afresh unlike the long, cold days of January.

Humans have not evolved to hibernate but we can do something similar to restore our energies and suspend some of life’s demands. We can shut out the bad weather and enjoy solitude for a while. I will be spending January reading and dunking biscuits in my tea, perhaps doing a little bit of thinking about what I want from the coming year when it starts properly in springtime. I love this poem by David Gate who perfectly describes a ‘lessening January’ and the ‘down time’ we all need to wake up feeling refreshed and maybe even ready to make some changes in our lives.

The books I have most enjoyed in 2023

Sophie Lombardi

I have read some wonderful books this year. I have put a small selection below that might catch your interest. Snuggling up with a book in is one of my favourite winter pursuits. There are some more gritty reads that I have found brilliant, but I am not sure that January is the right time of year to be broken by a novel !

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

Ann Patchett is one of my absolute favourite authors and this book did not disappoint. I would love to visit her bookshop in Nashville one day. Anyway this is a story within a story. Lara, her husband and daughters are living through the Covid lockdown on the family cherry farm. After much persuasion, Lara (Mother) narrates the story of her past life as an actress and relationship with a famous actor. Lara has no regrets about her past but simply enjoys telling her story to her enthusiastic daughters. This is a lovely book.

Hello Beautiful Ann Napolitano

This is a gorgeous big hearted story about sisters who essentially rescue a broken man. William has a horrible childhood which inevitably ends in a breakdown. Despite the fact that he ends up marrying two sisters within the novel, this is a story of love, loss and the warm embrace of a family.

The Rachel Incident by Caroline O’Donoghue

This is a spicy book about complicated relationships and friendships set in Dublin. It’s a funny novel that brilliantly dissects the messiness of young adulthood and finding out who you are and who are your real friends.

The Twat Files by Dawn French

For anyone wanting a good laugh this January, this is the book for you ! Dawn French tells us about her most embarrassing moments to date and they are utterly hilarious. Perfect for French and Saunders fans and a little reminder not to take life too seriously.

Please share the books that you enjoyed in 2023 below.

Wishing you health, joy and peace in 2024

Sophie xxx

Just a reminder that longer lighter days are coming. We’re on the flip side of the Autumn Equinox ! Hooray.

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Here's to a gentle 2017

Sophie Lombardi

Happy New Year you lovely lot. I hope that Christmas had some sparkly bits and that you kicked 2016 to the curb with all its crazy rubbish news. Hopefully 2017 will be more gentle; like a lazy afternoon with cups of tea and Radio 4 rather than the acid house party with casualties that was last year. In order to kick start its fabulousness, I have compiled a list of 'intentions'. No don't worry, they won't be chanted and have very little to do with drinking slime, it's just that the very words 'new years resolution' seem to set me up to fail. 

I have never really understood why we put restrictions on ourselves during the most miserable time of year. Unless of course its an important, health-related thing, do we really need to deny ourselves the goodies in January? It's the ideal month to stay in with comfort food and a box set (and you can call it hygge if you really need an excuse). I think that it would be much nicer if we could think of lovely things we would like to do more of the following year. Here are 7 of my intentions (as you will see they are most profound).

1. Eat quality calories: Bendicks Bittermints rather than cold fish fingers or Duchy Originals over custard creams.

2. Wear lots of sequin, feather, pompom outfits, while I can just about get away with it without looking like a drag queen/dried up lady of the night.

3. Digital Down Tool. Leave my phone off and at home as much as possible. 

4. Make hay whilst its not actually pouring with rain. February and March are notoriously terrible, so get out in the fresh air unless it's howling a hooler,

5. Sneak in plenty of cuddles and snuggles with my boys . They are getting much more stingy with their affections as they get older. Soon it will not actually be cool to speak to me, instead they will text demands on devices that I have previously forbidden.

6. Smile as much as possible at everyone especially if they are grumpy because a. This might make them feel better or b. it will really annoy them. Win, win.

7. Remember the golden rule: If the problem is not going to bother you in a years time, it's definitely not worth worrying about now. 

I am sure there will be plenty a soggy cold chip along the way but it's a start. What nice things will you be doing more of in the New Year? Whatever they are, I hope that 2017 is wonderful for you and your nearest and dearest.


Sophie xxxx