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Advent Basket

Sophie Lombardi

I realise that it is only November 3rd, but trust me this project takes a little bit of forward planning. The joy of Christmas is all about being together and this communal version of an advent calender gathers the family for a few minutes every day. It also helps to build the anticipation of Christmas by incrementally revealing little winter treats everyday.

Now I cannot claim that I invented this version of the advent calender because I am fairly sure I saw something similar within the depths of the internet a few years ago. Basically you find a big bag or basket and fill it with 25 things for the family to share over the festive period. This may include a christmas pudding, a collection of photos from the year or some cinema tickets. The contents of your basket is entirely personal to your family. Some items might be enjoyed more particular members than others and that’s fine. The overall idea is that the basket is full of things that will essentially bring you together. Here are some other things that I will be including in our Advent Basket :


Holiday photos in a book

Christmas Pud

Panto Tickets


Christmas Ornament

Lonely Planet book of somewhere you plan to visit,

Pack of cards with instructions for a new game

New blanket for the sofa

Cinema Tickets


Silly hat for the dog/cat


Christmas Cards

Bird Feeders

Hot Chocolate


Christmas Radio Times

Pretty illustrated christmas book such as ‘The Night Before Christmas’ or ‘The Nutcracker’

Printed out photos from the year.

Materials to make paper chains or paper snowflakes

Indoor bulbs to plant (such as hyacinths or narcissus)

Mulled wine/ apple blend.

New cookie cutter for gingerbread making

Cooking thermometer for the turkey.

I know this may seem like a lot more work, however many of the things above could be included in your Tesco Shop. Also, every year we are surprised and delighted when we unpack our Christ loot, so it would be perfectly acceptable to wrap up your Christmas fairy or snow globes and pit them into your advent basket.

My kids get really grabby over the Christmas period and I think its fair to say that a lot of parents feel fairly wrung out by December 25th. This idea might just bring you together for a little sparkly moment during the run up. Let me know what you think.

Happy November

Sophie x