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A Picnic in Autumn

Sophie Lombardi

As I look out of the studio on a grey and rainy day, I realize that this post might be somewhat ambitious. However when there is a break in the clouds, there is nothing better than being immersed in the glorious colours of Autumn. Everywhere I look in my unkept garden, there are plants that seem to glow. If the weather forecast decides to gift us a day of clear skies, I will be dragging my family on a picnic this half term.

Our tablecloths work beautifully as picnic blankets as the linen is very robust and you can chuck it in the washing machine and drier. However If you are an organised sort of person who has camping chairs I would definitely bring them as the ground will inevitably be sodden. Here are the other things I will be taking on my Autumn Picnic :

1.Flask of hot chocolate made with real chocolate, cream and a pinch of cinammon

2. Lots of blankets and maybe a hot water bottle,

3. A book or magazine.

4. Binoculars… the birds are busy making their nests and it is delightful to watch them to go about their work.

5. A pot of stew in a food flask and chunks of bread. to dip.

6. Playing cards or a dice. If the player throws a 6 they need to collect 6 different leaves or stones. Just make it up as you go along !

7. A small sketch book and some bright pastels if you fancy a doodle,

There is only a small window of time when Autumn is at it’s most spectacular and soon the trees will be silhouettes against winter skies. I hope everyone has a nice half term and gets to have a good kick about in those golden leaves,

Sophie xx