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Easter Freakshakes


Easter Freakshakes

Sophie Lombardi

Looking for a activity to do with the kids this school holidays? These Easter freakshakes will bring all the boys and girls to the yard. We don't need to tell you how to get freaky, but here are a couple of easy recipes. As a nod to some kind of Easter nutrition (?) I've shoved a bit of fruit in here and there. Feel free to replace with ice-cream and take bets on which kid will melt down first. 

Berry Delicious Freakshake

You will need : handful of frozen berries; cup of milk; 1/2 a banana; whipped cream; pre-mixed Strawberry coulis; mini eggs and sprinkles. 

Chuck everything into the blender accept the cream, coulis and eggs. Whizz it up. Splurge the coulis around the inside of a glass. In goes the milkshake and on goes the cream, more coulis, lots of sprinkles and mini eggs. 

Chocky Bunny Freakshake

Chocky Bunny Freakshake

You will need: a chocolate bunny (we got this one from Lidl); cocoa powder*; half a banana; chunk of avocado; a cup of milk; whipped cream; chocolate sauce and sprinkles. 

Cut the top of the bunnies ears off with a sharp knife. Chuck everything apart from the whipped cream and the sprinkles into the blender. Pour the shake into the bunny. Load up with cream, chocolate source and sprinkles. Y U M. 

* Got any rubbish easter eggs that no-one will eat? Replace the cocoa and whizz them up in your shake. 

Get super freaky with your embellishments We'd love to hear/see your creations. 

Wishing you a very hoppy easter from us all at Poppy and Honesty.

Sophie xxxxxxxx