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Filtering by Tag: Tablelinen

Taking a walk on the wild side with House of Hackney

Sophie Lombardi

We are so excited to be working with House of Hackney who are launching part two of The Market Garden: their marketplace bringing together a collective of craftspeople inspired by a joint muse; Mother Nature. 

From handcrafted ceramics and original artworks to decor accessories and textiles, House of Hackney carefully curated The Market Garden to bring the beauty of Nature into your home.

I first visited the House of Hackney Flagship store ‘St Michaels’ back in February 2023 and although I was not greeted by a tiger or cobra, I was absolutely blown away by their incredible use of colour and pattern. I think I might of counted at least 5 paint colours and 8 patterns blending together perfectly in one of their exquisite rooms. Needless to say we were thrilled to be invited to join The Market Garden.

Our first project in May, was to work on a stunning tablecloth, handmade from House of Hackney’s ‘Floribunda’ fabric. Our head seamstress Kate literally squealed when she clapped her eyes on the pattern which is brimming with meadow flowers.

This season, House of Hackney enters the dark side of the Garden; the Gothic Garden. Featuring a carefully curated collection of artworks and homewares. We were delighted to be asked to contribute some beautiful linen bedding to the collection. The classic green and white stripe duvet and pillowcases contrasts beautifully with the patchwork throws and bespoke made headboards crafted in Devon.

Photo Credit Rosie Woolman

We are so grateful to House of Hackney B Corp for generously extending their platform to make opportunites to craftspeople like Poppy and Honesty and hope that you enjoy looking at their stunning curation in The Market Garden.

Sophie x