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Filtering by Tag: September

September in the studio

Sophie Lombardi

September feels like the beginning of the year to many of us who have grown up here in the UK. Memories of stepping into a new school class in shiny new shoes with sharpened pencils has firmly placed September as the month of fresh starts. January is definitely not qualified to fulfill this role with such short sluggish days that make us want hide from the world in our burrows under blankets and eating biscuits. September in the Poppy and Honesty studio will be a month of developing new ideas including our Autumn range as well as working on minimizing fabric waste.

We are currently curating and road testing our Autumn range to be launched in early October with Dee Campling. Alongside our perennial favourite Liberty fabrics and linens we will be adding more patterns and textures. You can look forward to floral prints in warm palettes of terracotta pink and greens alongside cosy checkered linens and sumptuous velvets. We will be bringing out a full collection of bed linen that will enable our customers to create their own aesthetic whether this is mix and maximalist or a paired back scheme. We will also be launching a new range of linen napkins and tablecloths perfect for candle lit meals together as the nights draw in. Our OekoTex Linen is an ideal choice for everyday dining as it is very absorbent and easy to launder.

Poppy and Honesty are also working on developing an online fabric shop. We try our hardest to minimize remnants and develop our range to make best use of the fabrics that we have. However we do have a large stock of Liberty of London Tana Lawn pieces that range in size and are not currently suitable for our purposes. I hate to see these beautiful fabrics piled up in boxes on the studio floor and would love to think of them worked into patchwork and other textile projects. Autumn is the perfect time to kickstart a new creative project and patchwork quilts are my absolute favourite things to make and keep.

We will keep you up to date with all the happenings at Poppy and Honesty here on our blog as well as on our social media channels.

Sending love to all of of you taking new steps and getting used to new things this September.

Sophie xxx