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Filtering by Tag: Black Friday

Black Friday - The Poppy and Honesty Way

Sophie Lombardi

I am really sorry if you were hoping for a Black Friday discount code from Poppy and Honesty. The truth is we have such a small mark up on our handmade products that we cannot afford to offer the price reductions that are available from larger retailers. However, we do want to give back to our community this weekend especially as we are coming up to Thanksgiving in America and we are lucky enough to have a great customer base in the US.

As in previous years, we have decided to support our local food banks this long weekend. Basically, for every purchase you make, we will buy two essential items for Penryn Foodbank in Cornwall. Most Foodbanks will provide you with a list of required items if you give them a ring.

We have also been busy making little bows from our Liberty fabric remnants. These look beautiful tied to the branches of your tree or used to embellish a present. For every £30 spent we will send you a pretty bow to say thankyou. I know it’s very tempting to shop up all the big Black Friday deals and we really are very grateful for your support at this time of year. Please add your faourite small brands to the comments below and we will give them a shout out.

I hope that you are keeping out of Storm Bert and keeping cosy this weekend.


Food bank donations over Black Friday weekend.

Sophie Lombardi

Here at Poppy and Honesty we will not be offering discounts during Black Friday Weekend. We are a very small business, with narrow profit margins and employ a small team of local seamstresses. It is therefore impossible for us to compete with the big guys this Black Friday and participate in the biggest shopping bonanza of the year.

Instead we have teamed up with the beautiful stationary brand ‘Pogofandango’ to give back to our local community. For every item ordered on our site or over at ‘pogofandango’ this weekend, we will both donate an item to our local food-bank. They have given us a list of specific items that are in great demand at this time of year, which will ensure that our donations will be valuable to those who need them most.

We hope you will join with us and support other small businesses when you gather your Christmas haul. Remember to shop well and know that recipients will treasure thoughtful gifts that have a happy provenance.

Have a lovely week

Sophie xxx