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Pudding for One

Sophie Lombardi

I find myself at home alone on Friday nights with increasing frequency. To be clear, I am absolutely fine with the situation as I am always knackered and don’t have the energy to create a meal , go out (what?????) or compromise on my Netflix choices. To optimize these quiet and wonderful evenings, I like to indulge in a personal pudding. There is no need to share and there is something a little rebellious about having ‘just a pudding’ for supper. If this is also your Friday night situation, I have put a couple of VERY simple recipes below to cover both chocolatey and carby cravings.

Chocolate Soufflé for One

50g dark chocolate

A pinch of sea salt

2 heaped tablespoons caster sugar,

25g butter,

1 large egg separated

1 tsp vanilla extract

  • Set a fan oven to 180°C and grease a ramekin or small oven proof dish with butter

  • Place the butter and chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and melt slowly.

  • Whilst the chocolatey mixture is melting, whisk your egg whites until they become snowy peaks and then whizz in the sugar until it all becomes glossy.

  • Take the bowl of chocolate and butter off the heat and cool slightly. Then stir in the vanilla extract and egg yolk.

  • Fold the stiff egg whites into the chocolatey mixture and delicately spoon into the ramekin.

  • Cook for 18 mins and scoff with cream and or ice cream.

Individual Bread and Butter Pudding

x2 small slices of any bread or brioche

a handful of sultanas, cranberries or choc chips

x2 tbsp caster sugar

x2 tbsp double cream

60ml whole milk

Butter to spread

x1 egg

  • Set a fan oven to 180° C and grease a ramekin or small oven proof dish with butter

  • Spread the bread liberally with butter.

  • Layer the bread (you may need to cut it down) into the ramekin sprinkling the dried fruit or choc chips between the layers as you go.

  • Meanwhile whisk the egg, cream, sugar and milk together in small jug.

  • Pour the creamy mixture over the bread in the ramekin, sprinkling nutmeg or cinnamon on the top if desired.

  • Bake for 35 minutes until the top is golden and delicious.

YUM YUM and no need for mind-bending ‘Ottolenghi-style’ 15 ingredient and 25 step instructional methods for total delicious decadence.

Sophie xx

One spoon please?