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Non Drinkers and Christmas Parties

Sophie Lombardi

I don’t drink. I don’t mind if everyone else does, in fact I want them to have a jolly good time ! But for the love of Aperol Spritz, please stop asking me why I don’t chose to participate. This is particularly difficult over the Christmas season, the television is full of ads for special sparkly wines and cocktails. It appears to be a national expectation that we all get sloshed at Christmas.

As a non drinker at a boozy party, I often feel like a party pooper. It’s true, I can’t stay up late with a bunch of tipsy revelers having fun until the wee hours. However I love a canape and a loaded karaoke machine. i recently heard from a non drinker that they were offered orange squash at a dinner party. (She wasn’t 10 years old by the way). Perhaps this year we can do better and offer the non drinkers something nice in a fancy glass like the coupe’ based on the breast of Marie Antoinette with some sort of frosting?

Shloer does not cut the mustard and neither do regular soft drinks. Fanta with your Caviar ? No thankyou. I recently enjoyed a very nice Seedlip Garden Non Alcoholic Spirit and I intend to try out their Citrus Fizz this season. Otherwise a glass of fizzy water is fine by me. But please don’t ask me why I am not drinking.

Bottoms Up!

Sophie x