The Small Joys of Autumn
Sophie Lombardi
Let’s be honest, Autumn and Winter can be grim : the longest term ever for the kids under low grey skies and the assault of Halloween and Christmas marketing in parallel with a cost of living crisis. However, all is not lost, I have been in cahoots with my family and friends and we have come up with a list of the tiniest things that may bring you a little touch of joy this time of year.
I find that short days provide the ultimate excuse to be lazy, there is no laundry to bring in and it’s too dark to possibly go out. Autumn really is the perfect time to snuggle up with your books, films and listen to music as soon as the sun goes down. I have put a few ideas below and hope that I have included some small joys that are accessible to all.
Sunrise at an acceptable hour.
Hedgehogs. Help them to hibernate successfully, build a hog house or maybe even get a camera !
Eating bowls of custard with or without crumble (Birds is fine)
Candle light, firelight and fairy lights.
Sparklers (fireworks too scary for dogs)
The lingering smell of bonfires.
Hanging up food for birds. Recipe for Fat Balls here
Sunday roast at home or in a pub after a long walk
Bright orange tangerines in the shops
Soup … think of all those poor disgarded Halloween pumpkins. Recipe here (I love mine with ginger and toasted pumpkin seeds.
Plant as many spring bulbs as possible (dig them deep into the soil- it will be worth it..)
Once you put your mind to it, I am sure that you will find other pleasures suited to this time of year. Please add them to the comments below for everyone to enjoy.
I will leave you with this beautiful quote that we can all aspire to, although in my opinion it is perfectly acceptable to moan and bitch throughout the whole season.
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger – something better, pushing right back.
Albert Camus
Sophie xx
Linen tablecloth and napkins in Florence.