How to be a happy hostage
Sophie Lombardi
I am completely unqualified to write a post about optimising your experience of isolation. Every part of me wants to be out and about, shooting the breeze with my lovely friends and family, enjoying life outside of my four walls. The only previous experience I have of being under house-arrest was when the children had chicken pox: it was a nightmare and the thought of us all under one roof for a prolonged period of time, gives me chills (they’re multiplying). However, I’ve been thinking how we might make the best of this shit-show and thought I’d share these ideas with you.
Firstly, a word for those of us with children. Unfortunately home-schooling is rather going to interfere with my initial idea of treating this experience as a ‘Goop’ style “well being retreat”, however, I do think that highly prescriptive colour-coded timetables will not end well for most of us. Whilst I agree the kids need a routine and should probably do some work, there is absolutely not a chance that I will be building the Taj Mahal out of bottle tops or exploring astro physics through the medium of dance. Now is not the time to put extra pressure on ourselves to be the perfect parents and if the kids have more screen time and eat more junk, it really doesn’t matter in the long run.
The way I see it, if you’re going to be stuck within your four walls, then you might as well be painted in pretty colours. There has never been a better time for a little light DIY and paint is a great, affordable way to give your iso-pod a lift. If it’s not possible or affordable for you to get some DIY supplies at the moment, then work on mood boards and create your dream home on Pinterest. When the time is right, you’ll have chosen the perfect chalky pink and be ready to go (links to DIY and interiors inspiration below).
The internet is going to be a brilliant way to keep us all connected, but only if we can embargo some of the hysteria that is floating around at the moment. This morning, I completed my first online yoga class and we are trying to work out a way to link up our book club meetings. I think that this is a perfect time to revive letter writing, which can provide an enduring sense of warmth and connection. Letters remain with us long after Skype calls have finished and text messages have been deleted.
Making things with your hands is supposed to release happy endorphins. I am not sure if this still applies if what you have created is a giant mess, that has taken time, energy and resulted in some bad language. I am intending to embrace my inner Julia Child ( profiteroles and macarons anyone?) and have a feeling many of us will need to be rolled out of isolation. If you feel like a different creative challenge, Poppy and Honesty will be launching some liberty print projects within the next week.
Anyway I will continue with my waffle and pretty pics over the next few weeks, in hope that it will bring you some light and fluffy distraction.
Take good care
Sophie x
Happy Hostage Mini Directory
DIY and Interiors
Information about how to use Pinterest effectively : Mad About The House by Kate Watson- Smyth.
Down and dirty, nitty - gritty DIY projects : French For Pineapple and Melanie Lissack Interiors.
Instagram Inspiration : Dee Campling (floral, vintage wonderlands) and Lisa Dawson (gorgeous mid century style interiors.
Falmouth Yoga Space : daily yoga classes at different levels.
The Body Coach : High Intensity Workouts.
Check out Zoom App for attending events online
Mental Health
Pimp-up your isolation with some beautiful handmade interiors from Poppy and Honesty.
Day Bed Mattress in Liberty of London ‘Betsy’ in pink. Round velvet cushion in Rose Pink. Lumbar Cushion in Liberty print ‘Capel.’