Authentic Self-Care
Sophie Lombardi
It seems that hashtag #wellbeing has been superseded by hashtag #selfcare. Although we may scoff at these millennial buzzwords, little reminders to take care of ourselves are surely welcome in our tumultuous world where we are constantly plugged in. However just like #mindfulness sold a million colouring books we must try and embrace the concept of self care in an authentic way and avoid being sucked into the marketing phenomenon around it.
It’s easy to associate ‘Self-Care’ with needing more stuff and costly experiences. Who doesn’t want to be bundled into a white fluffy robe, imbibe the fruity spa water whilst being pampered by a wellbeing practitioner dressed head to toe in white scrubs? I am not disputing the fact that these experiences aren’t great but they are expensive and out of reach for the majority of folk.
Likewise buying stuff to make ourselves feel better may initially give us a quick hit of self-care but can often leave us feeling rather guilty and unsatisfied. Whilst thinking about the way that I take care of myself that results in a lasting sense of comfort and wellbeing, I realised that actually just giving myself time out was the ultimate treat. This isn’t about lying on the sofa scrolling through the phone but planning our time out carefully and mindfully, customising it just for ourselves.
I’ve been thinking about these little self-care experiences a lot lately as the winter draws in and the Christmas frenzy looms. Below I have explained some of the things which work for me. Obviously they won’t float everyones boat, but if your feeling a little neglected why not give one a whirl?
Clean Sheets, Early Night
For me, there is no greater simple pleasure than hopping into a bed made with clean sheets. It’s definitely worth the king duvet wrestling match and even better if you can get to bed early with a comforting read.
Books and Netflix to comfort
This is different for everyone, for me there is a fine line between trash that I can’t invest in and reading and watching something soothing. Bridget Jones’ Diary (book and films) Chocolat, or anything by David Nicholls will have me on a little cloud of whimsy and nostalgia. .
Go for a really nice walk.
Plan to walk somewhere you haven’t been for a while. The woods at this time of year are magical and beach walks after a storm are full of treasure. Take a flask and soak it all up.
Cook or make yourself something you really like
As someone who often eat alone or with the kids, its very tempting to grab some toast or polish off their left overs. It always feels so much better to cook myself something I actually like, even if it is a jacket potato (totally underrated).
The power of authentic self-care is about you investing in yourself. A whole industry has been built on #selfcare and it’s best friend #wellbeing and its just too easy to dismiss the little things that keep us ticking over. Here at Poppy and Honesty we’d love to know about your particular self-care rituals, pretty instagram images of nonchalant autumnal leaves and cups of cocoa are optional.
Take care
Sophie xxx
Beautiful Artist Residence in Penzance. Cushions handmade by Poppy and Honesty.