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Mud and Sparkle- Port Eliot Festival 2017


Mud and Sparkle- Port Eliot Festival 2017

Sophie Lombardi

Rain most certainly did not stop play at Port Eliot Festival, however those still standing on Sunday night deserved a medal for epic British spirit or at the very least a laminated certificate. At first we were all soooo cool, tipsy and glittery that it was fun to dance in the rain but then the biblical storms started and some of us stayed and some of us ran to Premier Inn which felt like a 5 star holiday resort in Barbados by comparison. 

We thought that folk would stick with their mega Sipsmith bloody Marys rather than brave the swamp to the Workshop Barns, but no, you came and we had a great time at our Liberty Print Workshops. The Grown ups made fabulous sequinned Liberty Print Corsages which glistened against the mud and the kiddos made regal feather headdresses adorned with jewels, liberty prints and beads. Everyone was fantastic, confirming that you can't keep a crafty minx down and  blinging accessories are part of an essential Quagmire survival kit. 

Poppy and Honesty were in such great company at Port Eliot.  Some of our highlights included modern calligraphy with A'Laise,  poetry from Lachlan Murray Young, food from the epic Bhangra  Bus and music from Son of Dave and Sister Cookie. We're already thinking about the gorgeous things we want to make with you next year and will let you know when the first wave of tickets are on sale. 

Yours with damp feathers and sparkly sequins,

Sophie xxxxx

