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From stair surfing to building dens


From stair surfing to building dens

Sophie Lombardi

Our children do not like to use household items and furniture conventionally. I find them perching on steps to read books, watching TV, whilst dangling off the sofa or sliding down the stairs on their duvets. Sitting on chairs is a challenge for them, they wriggle around trying to fold their legs up and insist on balancing on 2 chair legs in spite of sudden death warnings from parents and teachers. Likewise, they use household things creatively and not always as weapons. Piled up cushions will make an excellent base to hold one and other hostage , duvet covers make a perfect sleigh and blankets and quilts are strung up to make ships, castles, dens etc. 

Our latest collection has taken our children’s anarchic qualities and sense of play into account. Things need to be really really strong. We have used high quality fabrics that are machine washable and our silky Liberty of London Tana Lawn cushions have been lined to make them more durable. We prefer to use press studs to fasten our duvet covers. These have been hammered into place by superman Mr P. and so they won't be falling off any time soon.

We also know that you don't want tonnes of stuff, so we have tried to make things that are versatile. Our baby quilts are generously padded and can be thrown on a hard floor to use as a playmat or popped on the sofa for snuggly telly time for when your baby has outgrown the cot. Likewise our new cushions are big enough to create a little nest and duvets make a excellent tent draped over a couple of chairs. 

The Poppy and Honesty kids have thoroughly road tested our next collection and let me tell you they are like a pair marauding vikings who throw things at each other and spend a lot of time rolling around on the floor. We want our things to be used by kids and not just styled with instagram panache.  Whether its an teddy bears picnic or a pirate ship, we hope that the prints, patterns and colours support and inspire your kids to play with crazy creative abandon.

Watch this space for the launch of all our new goodies. 

Sophie xxxxxx