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We have created a beautiful tablecloth from our exclusive new linen ‘Florence’ and added a nostalgic ruffled edge. This charming fabric features a soft stripe in olive, cream and terracotta, reminiscent of old fashioned pyjamas. The tablecloth looks particularly lovely when combined with matching napkins with lace or Rose Gingham.
Standard : 140 cm x 240 cm
Composition and Care
100% Oeko Tex Certified Linen, 195gsm.
Wash at 30°C, tumble dry on a low heat setting
Cool Iron
Eco Friendly
Our linen fabric is a very sustainable choice for bedding. As the flax is grown in the fertile soils of Northern Europe, it requires very little water and virtually no fertilizers or pesticides. Flax as a crop retains a huge amount of C02 (3,7 tonnes per hectare) and every part of the plant is used for making linen as well as linseed oil, food for livestock and soap. Linen is a very absorbent fabric requiring very little dye for colouring and is completely biodegradable.
Care : Wash at 30 Degrees. Tumble dry on a low heat setting. Cool iron.
Handmade in Cornwall
Please allow 2-3 weeks for your order to be made