30% off liberty print bedding
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30% off liberty print bedding
This beautiful bedding is handmade exclusively from silky soft Liberty of London Tana Lawn Cotton. With it’s high thread count and silk- like texture, this fabric is a very luxurious but practical choice for bedding.
‘Theresa’ is part of A Liberty Kaleidoscope Collection, 2024. The pretty pattern features meadow flowers, leaves and buds in vibrant red and sky blue.
Purchasing options include:
Duvet Cover
Duvet Set (includes duvet cover and pillowcases)
Bedding Bundle (includes duvet cover, pillowcases and fitted sheet)/
*Unfortunately we are only able to offer ‘Bedding Bundles’ in the following sizes : cot bed and single.
Cot Bed
x1 Pillowcase : 50 cm x 70 cm
Duvet Cover : 120 cm x 150 cm
Fitted Sheet : 70 cm x 140 cm
Single Bed
x1 Pillowcase : 70 cm x 50 cm
Duvet Cover : 137 cm x 200 cm
Fitted Sheet : 90 cm x 190 cm
US Twin Single
x1 Pillowcase ; 51 cm x 66 cm
Duvet Cover : 173 cm x 218 cm
Double Bed Duvet Set
x2 Pillowcases : 70 cm x 50 cm.
Duvet Cover : 200 cm x 200 cm
US Queen Duvet Set
x2 Pillowcases : 55 cm x 61 cm
Duvet Cover : 224 cm x 218 cm
UK King Bed Duvet Set
x 2 pillowcases : 70 cm x 50 cm
Duvet Cover : 220 cm x 230 cm
US King Duvet Set
x2 pillowcases : W50 cm x L90 cm
Duvet Cover : W259cm x L218cm
Super King Duvet Set
x2 pillowcases : 50 cm x 70 cm
Duvet Cover : 260 cm x 220 cm
Care : Delicate Machine Wash at 30 Degrees. Low heat tumble dry.
Handmade in Cornwall
*This product is handmade to order. Please allow 7-10 working days.