Liberty Print and linen pillowcases.
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Liberty Print and linen pillowcases.
This beautiful pillowcase is handmade exclusively from 100% premium washed linen. Keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer, this fabric is an ideal choice for bedding. Our pillowcases feature the print on both sides and are made with an envelope style closure to conceal the pillow entirely.
‘Rose Gingham’ is a classic terracotta and soft white check.
Please note these pillowcases do not have a ruffle.
Option to purchase a single pillowcase or a set of two.
Available in UK Standard sizes. If you would like an alternative size please get in touch.
Dimensions : 50 cm x 70 cm
Composition : 100% Linen.
Care : Wash at 30 Degrees. Do not tumble dry.
Handmade in Cornwall